Two posts in one day...did you know it was going to be your lucky day?
In early June, the husband and I met my super fantastic friend
Merri (Hi, friend!) at
The Pizza Shoppe and Pub (and yes, that is how they spell shoppe) in the Benson
neighborhood. Not only does the place serve some pretty good pizza, they also support local artists, musicians, comedians and the like by providing a performance space. Being a local artist myself (or at least an aspiring local artist), I like to show some love for places that welcome artists with open arms.
There were all sorts of fun tchotchkes (dude, I totally had to google that one) around for my picture-taking pleasure. We also caught the
improv show of
The Weisenheimers. This was pretty adventurous for the husband and me. We don't venture out of our West Omaha comfort zone all that much. It isn't that we don't love all that Omaha has to offer. It's that we are boring...and predictable...and kinda lame. Here's the crazy thing...we had...wait for it...FUN. So, we must give many thanks to Ms.
Merri. Thanks for helping us expand our
entertainment horizons. You are cooler and neater than us.
I want a t-shirt that says, "Do Not Touch Me. I AM ART!" Not that I get a lot of random people touching me. It would be good to have the t-shirt, just in case.

If I had a bike, I would want one like this, except it would need to be pink and have a basket on the front. Oh...and a bell. I would definitely need a bell.

See, I told you it was called the "Pizza
Shoppe and Pub."

Weisenheimers rocked the
improv casbah. I have to be a fan. One of the members is a former Weasel. Once a Weasel, always a Weasel.