I have decided to finally pursue my passion for photography. At this point, I do not know if anything will come of this pursuit but I am eager to find out. Perhaps I will be one of the lucky few who gets to make a living doing something they love.
On Friday, I got to spend some time with Charlie. He is three months old and such a happy little guy. Even though we disturbed him from his nap, he was happy and smiley for us - especially when he heard his mama's voice. Becky and Gary...hope you enjoy the pictures.
Hey! I noticed you find my blog/photography inspiring :)
Good luck on your journey into photography, and feel free to send an e-mail if you have any questions. I'm always up for helping out when I have the time :)
When people ask me what I am passionate about, I always come back to photography. I have finally decided to do something with that passion. I am a Nebraska girl who loves to travel, read and relish in photography. My husband managed to find the only (I think) Nebraska girl that both truly appreciates the delicacy that is a Chicago-style hot dog and knows the words to the Ewok song.
Man! Those are great pictures.. you have an artistic eye and I think, a gift!
Fantastic shots Amber!!!! You take photos like a Pro :)
Love these - they are beautiful!
Hey! I noticed you find my blog/photography inspiring :)
Good luck on your journey into photography, and feel free to send an e-mail if you have any questions. I'm always up for helping out when I have the time :)
Great pictures and website! Cute Puppy! Say hi to one of my favorite nephews. Uncle Ron
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